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Dare-Zine IX:
Open Call
Playfully following last year's autumn issue, for the spring of 2025 we offer you the theme
The Nature of Art.
We want it to act as a reminder of art's essentiality in the human being's experience.
To us, art is a beautiful necessity and the process of making it lets us comprehend, enrich and enjoy our existence. We invite you to tune into your nature and explore it through any means of what we call "art".
Perhaps it's a thought, perhaps it's a brush stroke; it could even be a movement, a sound, or an undefined collage of ideas and images. Let it be and let it roam - follow it with your body and mind, but do not seek to give it a final form. Let it live without anticipating its end.
We invite you to create, for the mere joy of creating - with no need for an end product. The result, as one will occur for sure, be it unrefined, unpolished and perhaps not fully finished, is what we'd love to see and share among the pages of Dare-Zine IX.
Dare-Zine magazine gathers human beings from around the world to exchange inspiration and reflection, ultimately to communicate and connect, through art.
Here are the steps to follow from the open call through the process of creation:
We hope that the process of this issue will invite you to find the sense of freedom and playfulness in creating, which we deem feels not as natural today as it perhaps used to, or should. We understand the pressure of our product-driven society and we want to offer you a space for liberated exploration - of yourself and of the other.
Don't think about what you can or cannot do, what skills you have or need to possess: create for the mere sake of being present with yourself. We believe that we are all artists, and that it is fundamentally interwoven in human's nature to create, in any aspect of life. If you agree with us, we'll be thrilled to share the path of Dare-Zine IX with you.

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